

英漢字典: shut up

1. prevent from coming in;block 阻止進入;阻攔

    During World WarⅡ Malta managed to shut up most of the Italian and German bombers by throwing up an effective antiaircraft screen. 在第二次世界大戰期間,馬耳他通過建立有效的防空屏障,成功地阻止了意大利和德國轟炸機的襲擊。

2. prevent(an opposing team)from scoring throughout an entire game使對方在整個比賽中得不到分

    Dodgers shut up the Reds, 5︰ 0. 道喬隊以5︰0打敗紅隊。

3. (cause to) stop talking(使)停止講話

    Little Ruthie told Father everything before Mother could shut her up. 母親還來不及阻止小露絲,她就把什麼都告訴了父親。

    He shut up when he realized nobody was listening to him. 當意識到沒人在聽時,他住嘴了。

4. cease or suspend an operation or business停止或暫停工作或營業

    There'll be an important meeting this evening,so we'll shut up early today. 晚上有一個重要會議,因此今天我們將提前下班。

5. close the doors and windows of 關好門窗

    We got the house shut up only minutes before the storm came. 暴風雨來臨之前幾分鐘,我們才把屋子的門窗關好。

    The shop was shut up at nine at night. 商店晚上9點關門。

5. confine禁閉

    The dog bites. It should be shut up. 這狗咬人,該把它關起來。

    He shut the girl up in the house and refused to allow her to leave. 他把女孩關在屋裡,不許她離開。

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